Search for tag: "video capture"

Introducing Kaltura Personal Capture

How easy is it to use the new Kaltura Personal Capture to make your own videos and other rich media? It’s so easy our kids could do it.

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Lecture Capture Walkthrough Video

From the smallest classes to the biggest lecture halls, manage all your lecture recordings from any lecture capture hardware. With Kaltura Lecture Capture, record every single class, no matter where…

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Personal Capture Walkthrough Video

Make it easy to create videos and other rich media, without specialized equipment. Kaltura Personal Capture combines an intuitive interface with a user-centric experience and interactive viewing to…

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Kaltura Education Video Solutions

Unify video across your campus and beyond with Kaltura video solutions for education. Create learning experiences and engage your students with a single video platform. Kaltura offers the tools to…

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From  Rebecca Rozakis 0 likes 54,776 plays 0  

Central Park in 360

Virtual reality and 360-video are an integral part of the future classroom. We shot a cool demo tour of Central Park showing how VR 360 can be used in the classroom to teach history, English…

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From  Rebecca Rozakis 0 likes 759 plays 0  

Building the Classroom of Tomorrow: Using Technology for Active Learning

Indiana University is embracing innovative technologies and techniques to help move their classrooms into the future. Take a field trip to the Indiana University campus and see how a new approach to…

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Introducing Lecture Capture

Need to keep students focused? Want to them to be successful? Today’s classroom extends beyond the classroom walls. Students need to be able to watch lecture recordings wherever they need to…

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Kaltura Lecture Capture at Indiana University

Explore Indiana University's experience rolling out Kaltura Lecture Capture. Want to learn more about Kaltura's lecture capture solution? Check out…

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Kaltura Classroom - Walkthrough

Get a quick introduction to Kaltura Lecture Capture. Kaltura Lecture Capture is an exciting new way to manage all your lecture recordings from any course capture device, from the smallest classes to…

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Kaltura Education Video Solutions

Learn more about Kaltura’s Video Solutions for educational institutions.

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